MT. Pleasant Fitness Center offers cardio, strength and weight equipment and is located across from Root Hall on Forbes Ave. First time users can obtain a free membership by visiting the desk staff at Jim Thorpe Fitness Facility.
Patrons using this facility must: Complete a signed wavier before granted 24/7 access Active Duty and their depends only, properly clean and wipe down equipment within 2 minutes of vacating machine or equipment keep trash and equipment picked up around and inside the facility, leave equipment and machines where they have been placed by staff and do not “unblock” equipment that has been blocked off in accordance with Fitness Center Rules and within the Standards of Conduct and Discipline.
Rules and procedures: Call 911 in case of emergency phone and AED are located at the front desk. Patrons ages 13-15 must be supervised at all times when in the Fitness Center, ages 16-17 may use all equipment without being accompanied by an adult or guardian, ages 18 and older may access the 24/7 Fitness Center during unmanned hours.