April 2025
Month of the Military Child is observed each April to honor and celebrate military children and youth for their service, commitment, and sacrifice in support of the Army's mission. The observance reiterates the Army’s commitment to provide quality care and positive youth development for a bright future. The April 2025 Month of the Military Child theme is “Celebrating Military Children and Youth: Building Stronger Character and Relationships.” Military children show bravery, fearlessness, and resiliency by adapting and meeting adversity head on in an ever-changing environment.
Kickoff Events for Month of the Military Child at each CYS Facility!
Moore Child Development Center
1 April - CDC Month of the Military Kickoff Parade at 9 a.m.
9 April - Purple Up! Day - Support our Military Youth and wear purple today!
10 April - CDC Olympics for Preschool at 10:30 a.m.
12 April - CYS Annual Easter Egg Hunt for infants - 12 years old at 9 a.m.
McConnell Youth Center
1 April - SAC & MST Month of the Military Kickoff Dance Party at 4:15 p.m.
9 April - Purple Up! Day - Support our Military Youth and wear purple today
12 April - CYS Annual Easter Egg Hunt for infants - 12 years old at 9 a.m.
17 April - SAC & MST Field Day and Purple Color Run at 1 p.m.
25 April - SAC & MST Youth Art Show Reception with Refreshments at 12 p.m.