Childcare cost is based on Total Family Income (TFI).
TFI is defined as all earned income including wages, salaries, tips, special duty pay (demo, flight, and sea pay), long-term disability benefits, voluntary salary deferrals, retirement or other pension income including SSI paid to the spouse and VA Benefits paid to the surviving spouse before deductions for taxes.Parent fees are determined during the registration process prior to enrollment in a regularly scheduled program and annually thereafter. Fees are also adjusted if there is a change, such as unemployed spouse finding employment. All fees are subsidized.
Payments can be made online at WebTrac. When you sign in for the first time, you will be asked to personalize your account. You will then have access to all online services, to include paying your bill, tax forms, and other conveniences.
Payments for child care can also be made over the telephone at the Moore Child Development Center or the McConnell Youth Center.