An official army family and MWR Site


Eligible Users: Active Duty Military, National Guard, Reserves, Retired Military and their Family Members who live within the same household and who are in possession of a valid DoD ID card; civilian employees and their family members who live in the same household and who are in possession of a valid DoD card. All identification cards are to be presented when entering the pool.

Guest Policy: Only eligible users may bring a guest to the pool. Guests under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an eligible user 16 yrs of age or older. Eligible users under the age of 18 may bring only one guest per visit. Guests must sign in on appropriate forms and abide by all pool rules. Guests must leave the pool when the sponsor leaves. House guests that are visiting for a period of time (1 week or longer) may apply for an exception.

Appropriate Attire: Bathing suit is required at all times (i.e. cut-offs and thongs will not be permitted in the pool). Flippers are not permitted on the pool deck. Water shoes are permitted and encouraged. All children who are not toilet trained must wear an approved swim diaper. Diaper changing is not permitted on the pool deck; this should be done in the locker room. 

Weather: On days where the air temperature is below 70 degrees or the water temperature is below 70 degrees, the pool will remain closed. In the event of inclement weather (thunderstorm), the pool will be closed and remain closed for a duration of 30 minutes AFTER the thunder/lightening has concluded. If a closure due to a thunderstorm occurs after 4 pm the pool will not reopen for that day.

Refund Policy: Refunds will only be made for persons who became physically incapacitated and have purchased seasonal passes or lessons. There will be no refunds for daily passes unless in the event the pool is closed due to inclement weather within one hour of admittance.  


  • All patrons entering the pool area must provide proof of membership at swipe-in station or sign-in and pay the appropriate admission fee at the office.
  • Lap swim is designated for adults ages 18 and over only.
  • Children under the age of 13 and non-swimmers must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian 16 years or older.

  • All patrons must shower before entering the water.

  • No running, pushing, walking on the pool gutters, excessive splashing, throwing swimmers into the air, chicken fighting, or rough housing. Abusive and/or four language will not be tolerated.

  • Diving is NOT permitted in ANY area of the pool.

  • Inflatables and kickboards are not permitted in the pool without lifeguard approval.

  • Coast Guard approved life vests may be worn, however, children under the age of 8 wearing floatation devices must be accompanied in the water by an adult. 

  • Snorkels and fins are permitted only for instructional use or adult lap swimming. Mermaid tails are not permitted. 

  • Children who are not toilet trained MUST wear an approved swim diaper. All diapers must be changed in the restroom, not on the pool deck area.

  • Appropriate swimwear must be worn. Thong swimwear is not permitted.

  • No alcohol, drugs, or smoking permitted. Patrons under the influence will be asked to leave the pool area.

  • The shallow wading area is reserved for toddlers and young children. a parent or guardian must stay with their child at all times. 

  • Slide is only for use by those 6 yrs and older and at least 44" tall who have passed the swim test.

  • Food and beverages are only permitted on the cement patio area and on the grassy areas surrounding the pool.

  • No glass containers are permitted in any area of the pool.

  • Please clean up your area upon leaving the pool area. 

  • On busy days adult swim may be conducted 10 minutes before every hour for a 10 minute period. No one under the age of 18 is permitted in the pool during this time, including the shallow wading area, or on the pool apron (blue carpet).

  • Pets are not permitted inside the fenced area.

  • In the event of an injury, please report it to a lifeguard or supervisor on duty.

  • Emergency phone is located to the right of the snack shack windows.

Patrons must adhere to all pool rules. Violation of pool rules may result in patron dismissal from pool area or suspension of swimming privileges.