An official army family and MWR Site

Swimming Lessons

Lessons are Monday-Friday
Cost: $45 per session/per student

Session dates and time:

Session 1: June 23-27

Session 2: July 7-11

Session 3: July 21-25

Session 4: August 11-15*

Youth Lessons (ages 6-14): 9:30 AM-10:15 AM

Pre-School Lessons (ages 3-5): 10:20 AM-10:50 AM

Tadpoles (ages 6 months-36 months) : 10:55 AM-11:25 AM

Tadpoles Class requires an adult to be in the water with the child.

Lessons cancelled due to inclement weather will be made up on an off week of lessons, when possible.

Register at the "Splash Zone" during normal operating hours. Payment must be made at time of the registration by Credit Cards. No refunds without a doctors slip or PCS orders. Refunds will be prorated.

* Incoming families received priority registration. We ask that you limit your child(ren) to 2 sessions of lessons. Exceptions may be made, depending upon space availability.